Monday, June 3, 2013

Traveling West On The Wagon Trail

The first graders have been studying pioneers.  To experience what life was like for the pioneers, today they traveled West on the wagon trail.  They even encounted some bandits (aka some dads dressed up as bandits) along the way who tried to steal their milk. Once they arrived to the beautiful green prairie, they enjoyed a pioneer lunch, songs around the circle & lot of lots of fun games.  To prepare for Pioneer Day, we watched Little House On The Prairie Sunday night.  Oh life sure was so much simpler back then :)  The girls loved it so much that it looks like we may be watching a few more episodes soon. Gracie's one request was that she REALLY REALLY wanted to wear an apron & bonnet.  So Half Pint was very excited when Mommy bought her a blue calico apron & bonnet just like Laura Ingalls wore :) The children were told to bring a "Pioneer Lunch" in a basket with no lunchables, plastics etc. & their food needed to be wrapped in cloth.  Gracie was very particular about her "pioneer food" so upon her request I made her corn muffins.  She also enjoyed a home made strawberry jelly sandwich along with an apple & an orange.  What a fun theme & a great way to learn about the pioneers.   The wagons they built were amazing too!!! :)