Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Josie's Talent Show

Today the Kindergarten Class had a talent show.  Even though they had a couple of weeks to prepare, Josie was very nervous on what talent she would perform for her class.  She finally decided that she would sing & dance to one of her favorite songs  "Let It Go" from the movie Frozen.  She practiced & practiced in front of us & I must admit her performance was quite charming, cute, sweet & funny :)  I was bummed that we weren't invited to the show but her teacher sent us this cute video of her. However, her teacher didn't realized that Josie wanted to sing & dance to the original "Let It Go" song &  instead she played the instrumental version which is much slower so Josie told us that she decided to just dance & not sing too!!!  It didn't matter though as she did great & she did take Gracie's advice & threw off Elsa's blue gloves at just the right time.  Way to go dancer your leaps & twirls :)  XOXO