Wednesday, May 20, 2015


It's hard to believe that the school year is over in 2 weeks & this is the FIRST & ONLY time that I got to volunteer for Library.  I wish I could have volunteered more as I love to read to the kids & Josie loves it when I come too as she gets to sit next to me while I read. She must have asked me EVERY week since school started last August when it was going to be my turn to come to library.  And every time she asked I told her that I was scheduled to come later in the year.  Well it's now later in the year & finally today is my day to volunteer.  As usual, Josie asked me this morning when it was going to be my turn to come.  So I told her that I was coming later in the month as I wanted to surprise her :)  In second grade parents don't get to come read to the kids anymore so I wanted it to be extra special for her.  I arrived plenty early & took my seat in the rocking chair & waited for the first graders to arrive.   Josie was one of the first to come in & when she saw me she yelled "MOOMMMMYY!!!" & ran across the entire room to give me a hug.  Awe it melts my heart.  I'm sure going to miss reading at library next year but I sure am glad that it was worth the wait for both of us :)