Thursday, February 9, 2012

Superstar Gracie

Gracie was the "Superstar" in her class this week. Every week someone is the "Superstar" & Gracie has been so excited for her turn. And finally after much anticipation this was her week. We spent last weekend decorating her poster & answering questions about her...from what she wants to be when she grows up, to her favorite things, to fun facts about her. Every day of the week the "Superstar" has certain privileges like leading the class in prayer, being in charge of the weather chart & calendar & being first for many activities. And Thursday is the most special day of the week. They get to wear a Superstar crown all day & present their poster to the class. Parents are invited for the presentation & it's a big deal to stand up in front of the class & answer their questions too. Wow...Gracie took after daddy & presented like a "Superstar". She was cool as a cucumber answering a wide range of questions from "what's your favorite animal at the zoo"' to "what's your favorite tv commercial" to my favorite "what's your favorite letter" which she proudly answered "G" :) Her teachers were most intrigued by her fun fact of sharing a birthday with her little sister. Superstar Gracie's day ended by getting to leave school early with mommy & daddy. We are so proud of our little Superstar!!!

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