Friday, February 22, 2013

3 Piggy Opera

The 3 Piggy Opera debuted today at St. Clement School.  Josie's class is the first class to perform this familiar story based on the the popular story The 3 Little Pigs.  It was written by a Kindergarten teacher & a music teacher.  The children have been hard at work practicing their lines, songs & actions.  They even helped create & paint the adorable set for the stage.  Josie came home one day covered from head to toe in green paint as she was painting the grass. ( It was even in her hair!!! :) We have been busy practicing at home too as our little Josie has a solo part as the straw pig.  Gracie took on the role of the Big Bad Wolf as Piggy Josie practiced her part.  And she would have been the perfect understudy for Big Bad Wolf Andrew if he wasn't able to be the perform on the big day.  The performance was today & we are still amazed at how wonderful they all performed for 4 & 5 year olds.  Josie's teachers did an amazing job with this fun-fill project.  Our little piggy is pictured above standing next to her straw house as well as in her straw house before the Big Bad Wolf blew it down.  It was an amazing show & we are so proud of our little piggy. And we can't wait to get the DVD of the performance so we can watch it over & over.  Although Gracie & Josie are still performing for us in the basement :)