Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Monkeying Around With The Kindergartner's

Today I joined my favorite little lady & her class on a field trip to one of our favorite places, The Lincoln Park Zoo.  Our journey began at 9am with a walk from school to the zoo.  It was the perfect day to walk too as it was in the mid 50's & the leaves are so colorful right now.  While exploring the zoo, we came across some zoo keepers celebrating a bears birthday.  The bears name was "Papa" & he was 26 years old today.  And to celebrate they were giving him peanut butter, honey & some other of his favorite treats.  If you look closely, in the upper left corner of the middle picture you can see him by the tree.  We had to get a picture by him & sing Happy Birthday too him too.  And Josie & her buddy Conor enjoyed carrying their clipboards & taking notes while chatting about their favorite things at the zoo :)