Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Aztec Proud

Gracie's class is learning about Native American's.  Each student picked a tribe to research & study & then had to present a 5 minute presentation to their class & parents.  Oh my, 5 minutes?!?!?! I was nervous for Gracie as 5 minutes seemed like a long time to me. But in pure "Gracie Style" she came home & began working away on her presentation.  Gracie chose the Aztec Tribe.  A good choice for her since the Aztec's loved colorful patterned dresses, jewelry & chocolate.  You could also dress like your tribe, read a legend, teach a dance or bring in a native american snack to share.  Gracie chose to dress up & share mexican chocolate. She really wanted to bring in mexican chocolate so mommy went to 4 stores until she found it :)  Yay for Team Rothleutner.   Gracie we are so proud of you as you nailed your presentation & all of the interesting questions that your classmates asked you too. Third Grade Rocks!!! :)