Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Gracie's Gorilla Report

The first graders are studying mammals this week.  And as part of their lesson, they each had to chose a mammal to research & present to the class.  The presentations had to be 2 minutes long & they needed to include a poster with lots of interesting facts.  Gracie chose a Gorilla because she said they are very silly & she likes to visit them at the Lincoln Park Zoo.  Gracie was a little nervous to present her findings in front of all her classmates & their parents so we practiced her presentation...Josie helped her practice too :)  She wanted to include a funny joke too so daddy helped her research a Gorilla Joke "What's a Gorilla's favorite cookie?"  "A Chocolate CHIMP!!!"  I took an adorable video of her practicing...too bad it's too long to post as she did an awesome job!!! :) Break a leg, Gracie.