Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Gracie's Tablescape

We have been busy preparing for Gracie's upcoming First Communion in May.  As part of the process she has a project every month that we must complete as a family. This months project was titled "Celebrating As A Family".  As part of the assignment, Gracie was to make a dessert for her family, chose party decorations, decorate the table etc.  A perfect project for her too as she loves to bake, decorate & throw parties :)  Before enjoying the yummy brownies she made us, we read a passage out of the bible about the Wedding At Cana.  We then shared our favorite family celebrations.  It was fun to hear the girls talk about their favorite birthday memories & past Christmas's & we even talked about celebrating mommy & daddy's anniversary.  We then each had to draw our favorite family celebration.  Gracie chose to draw our anniversary because she likes that she gets to celebrate it with us :)   I love the picture she drew of us. Her tablescape was beautiful & her brownies were delicious.  A fun family project as she prepares for the big day.